Farewell, Vienna

When first planning our trip to Vienna, we wondered if a week might be too long. By the end of the week, I was already thinking about coming back.

There are so many things to love about this beautiful city.

A Great Place to Live

The Economist’s annual Global Liveability Index awarded Vienna the title of “Most Livable City in the World” for the third consecutive year. The award for its designation states, “The Austrian capital ranks highly for stability, healthcare, culture and environment, education and infrastructure. Vienna has long been synonymous with art, culture, and fine dining.”


Because Vienna is a great place to live for all its residents, the crime rate is very low. Day or night, we always felt safe walking around and using the metro.


What’s not to love about a city with chocolate shops everywhere? I especially loved the story of Manner Chocolate, a Viennese chocolate business opened in 1890. Using St. Stephen’s Cathedral in its original form as their trademark, it became the number one confectionery manufacturer in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. With a motto of “chocolate for everyone” and distinctive pink packaging, it is a popular Viennese souvenir. We saw people carrying their pink bags all over the city.


Vienna’s abundance of art museums is an art-lover’s delight. I could easily spend another week here just visiting the amazing art museums.

Vienna, the world capital of music, boasts a rich and illustrious history. As the musical heart of the Hapsburg Empire, the city has always been a hub for legendary composers like Mozart, Beethoven, and Gustav Mahler.


Vienna is dedicated to improving the environment and massively reducing its CO2 emissions. “New ‘Grätzeloasen’ (small green oases) are being created throughout the city where parking spaces once were.

Numerous regulations protect trees and green space in the city. A legacy of the Hapsburg dynasty requires 4.5 trees for each resident.


I thought food in Vienna was all about wiener schnitzel and sausages with some beautiful tortes here and there. I was so wrong! We ate some amazing meals and found a wonderful vegetarian stand at the airport.


So much of how we feel about a place is influenced by the people we meet, and we met great people in Vienna. With few exceptions, people were friendly and ready to share what they loved about their country. Justifiably, the Viennese are proud of their beautiful, clean, efficient, kind, and environmentally-responsible country.

Vienna Waits For Us

We loved our week in Vienna and look forward to coming back some day.

But you know that when the truth is told
That you can get what you want or you can just get old

You’re gonna kick off before you even get halfway through, ooh
When will you realize Vienna waits for you?

Billy Joel